
“Del Rey, One of the Ukulele’s Most Important Players and Teachers” Ukulele Magazine 2016   Read the story…

“Rey is one of the greatest modern players of the metal-bodied resonator guitar.” Acoustic Guitar Magazine

“Del Rey is one of the most sublime modern guitarists. “ La Hora del Blues Barcelona

Del Rey at the Tucson Blues Festival
Del Rey at the Tucson Blues Festival

I started playing guitar when I was four. At the age of thirteen I was introduced to the world of traditional acoustic music, when a friend and I stumbled into a concert at Folk Arts Rare Records in San Diego. About 20 people were sitting on the floor under the record bins listening to a kid named Tom Waits play his original songs.


Lou Curtiss, proprietor of Folk Arts and artistic director of the San Diego Folk Festival suggested I quit wasting my time playing “Stairway to Heaven” and listen to some Memphis Minnie. He put me on stage with Sam Chatmon when I was fourteen, and introduced me to Lydia Mendoza and Howard Armstrong. Lou gave me recordings that still influence everything I do on solo acoustic guitar. I soaked up country blues, stride piano, classic jazz and hillbilly boogie. It was a musical education hanging around the record shop. 

Thirty years later, I became fascinated with the ukulele. I try to play the same kind of complicated rhythmic blues and ragtime on four strings as on six. I expect a lot out of the little instrument.

 “The ‘ukulele taken to a new level of musicianship”.      (John Book)

“Virtuosic in just the right way, which is to say, in order to realize a musical idea. A very nice unlikely blend of things, accessible, slightly nostalgic, but fresh and thoughtful. ” (CD Baby review, “At The Ukeshack #1)

I play solo concerts world wide and also present a concert/lecture on women musicians called Women In American Music.  I also collaborate and tour frequently with Steve James, Suzy Thompson and Adam Franklin.

del rey and steve jamesplaying guitars
Troublesome urban hillbillies. Photo by Jenny Sampson
Del Rey and Suzy Thompson
Onstage at Centrum Blues and Heritage Festival with Suzy Thompson
Del & Adam Franklin
Del Rey and Adam Franklin at the Great Northern Ukefest 2014

I’ve contributed to projects in honor of The Mississippi Sheiks, Sister Rosetta Tharpe and Johnny Cash. I occasionally write about music for various publications, including Acoustic Guitar.

My most recent release is just me, singing with uke and guitar; it’s called Say Bye. All albums available from Hobemian Records

  • Say Bye 2021
  • Communique with Suzy Thompson 2018
  • Solo 2017
  • Rocket Red and Ruby Chard with Adam Franklin 2014
  • Art Walk 2014
  • Four and Six 2012
  • Hen Party with Suzy Thompson 2010
  • Blue Uke 2008
  • At The Ukeshack #1 with Matt Weiner 2007
  • When The Levee Breaks 2006
  • Tonight with Steve James 2004
  •  Why Say No? with The Yes Yes Boys 2002
  • Twins with Steve James 2002
  • X-Rey Guitar 2000
  • Hot Sauce1995
  • Boogie Mysterioso 1993
  • I recorded a 45rpm record in 2010. With Del Rey and the Blues Gators I recorded Chartruese (Hobemian 1991) and Cafe Society (Kicking Mule 1985). 

52 thoughts on “Biography”

  1. Hi There,
    My name is Heather Bristow and I’m helping out with PR for Didmarton Bluegrass Festival (coming up very soon!). One of our local radio presenters expressed an interest in playing one of your tracks to promote the festival. Sheryl, who I believe you have probably dealt with regarding the festival, is away for a week so I can’t get a hold of anything you’ve already sent; in the meantime, would it be possible to email me an mp3 track or two for him to use asap? My email address is [email protected] or you can ring me on 01-44-1666-503946.
    Many thanks and kind regards,

  2. Hi Del,

    Re: Didmarton Bluegrass Festival
    Our band booking person is on holiday this week & we really need a CD or access to some tracks for the radio stations that are going to want interviews etc about our event. Is there anywhere we can get some sounds quickly?
    And a direct email address?
    Regards, Tracey

  3. Del,

    Thank you for signing your CD for me. I had only known of you before through Gina DiSimone, and was delighted to finally hear you in person and enthralled by your performance. My only complaint about the show at the Strathmore is that you didn’t have enough time on stage. Your CD is a GEM, and your version of ‘Sailing Down The Chesapeake Bay’ is even better than Bing Crosby’s (he didn’t have your wonderful ragtime guitar)! Thank you for preserving and propagating the styles of Memphis Minnie, Etta Baker, etc., and demonstrating that women can put the best male blues hot dogs to shame.

    Have Fun in Dublin,


  4. Del, I just checked out your website and noticed that you were aware of Lee Morse. I have some great info on Lee who played Texas as her star was descending. I’ve done some research on her which I shared with Leon Redbone who was working on a book about her.

    Hope our musical paths cross one day. I record and teach as well mostly down south. Also you might enjoy the Mississippi Mud Steppers (Jackson Stomp). I just stayed in the old hotel in Jackson Mississippi where Okeh records discovered them. Wonderful waltzes and tunes.

    I enjoy your music and wish you the best. Email if you want more info or some good tales to tell about Lee Morse.

    Deb Porter

  5. Hi Del,
    The ukulele workshop in Bournemouth was the most fun music lesson I have ever had, thanks……….. see you next time! Josey

  6. Just got my copy of Blues Guitar Styles of MM and I’m busy hacking my way through it. At one point you mentioned a song that’s “on my other dvd.” What is the name of the other dvd? ‘cause I’m going to want to learn it too. 🙂

  7. Hi Del,
    Film producer from Toronto, Ontario here.
    Researching feature doc on Minnie. Nothing in-depth has been done!? Could we chat further? Your expertise, etc, etc.
    Could we have a number for you? Or could u call us: 416-829-5313
    Thanks for your consideration.
    Paul Eichgrun

  8. Greetings from Ireland!
    I wanted to let you know about a new ukulele festival in Cobh (County Cork). As this is our first year, it will be fairly low key but we have great hopes for the future. Perhaps we will see you here one day! 🙂
    Very best wishes
    Website admin and percussionist with Gilbert’s Lane
    Twitter: @UkeFestCobh

  9. Hi Del,
    I was fortunate enough to meet you at our 5th Annual Caspar Uke Fest last Saturday. It was a great honor to have a few minutes of conversation with you at last. I have all of your ukulele DVD’s and several CD’s which I listen to all the time. I look forward to hearing your Memphis Minnie Uke DVD and attending one of your shows in the future. Though I am a fairly new uke player it is always a delight to watch your DVD’s and
    hear your CD’s . Many, many thanks for all your great work. I am now one of your lifetime fans.
    Be well and stay always young,
    Larry Butler
    Mendocino, CA

  10. Cant wait till show at barn.If you need anything, Your welcome to come any time from now till cows come home. Jonas

  11. Your Memphis Minnie Songbook class at the Swannanoa Gathering last week left me babbling about how great it was to anyone who would listen. Loved the humour and history. Thank you for making her music accessible for a fledgling blues guitarist.

  12. Thank you for that wonderful, lively, informative and interesting presentation on Memphis Minnie which you gave to the Seattle Music Teachers Association! You are a bright spot on a gloomy gray day, for sure!

  13. I’m sad for you that Seattle doesn’t have rent control. I hate seeing good creative folks being economically forced out of Seattle. Lucky Tacoma to have you!

  14. Aloha Del!

    I’m curious How you connect your strap to on your resonator uke? I just purchased a used Recording King RU-998 concert resonator uke and I can’t figure out how any strap, regardless of end/connector, could connect to any portion of the body.

    Capt’n Uke

  15. Hi Del,
    Did you know there is a company called Del REy Avocado Co., Vineland, NJ? If you send your email address I can send of photo of their label. BTW, would you have time to tape another show with us while you’re in NJ for the Folk Project Festival? There is a good chance our new studio will be up and running by then. Your shows with Steve James our among my very top favorites that we have taped out over 700. Thanks.
    Peace, Ralph

  16. Hi Dana-I use a classical guitar strap. For a resonator, I take the admittedly inelegant step of putting a loop of string around the hand rest of the coverplate, since there’s no soundhole to hook onto.

  17. Hi, just saw you at the Folk’NFiddle Festival in Sidney. Loved your show! Got a couple of good photos Saturday night. If you’re interested just send a reply to my e-mail.

  18. I was the cook at Egan’s Jam House in Ballard, Washington. Now what seems like a hundred years ago. The first time I heard you play there I was instantly hooked. I immediately ditched my dreams of playing the bagpipes (not the best idea for someone who lives on a sailboat anyway) and picked up a ukulele. Many years have passed since and much thanks to you, my ukulele is my best friend. I have never known such Joy and peace of mind when I pick it up and strum out a little ditty.
    Thanks for the many smiles.

  19. Hi Tom-thanks! Although a sailboat seems like a good place for bagpipes-as you sail solo accross the Pacific…but you’re right. Ukulele is better! So nice to hear from you!!

  20. Trying to send you some money for the Little Dog uke lesson and the PayPal link don’t work.

    Seen how Rory Block is busking on YouTube? Maybe do something similar with lessons?

    Now I’ll go and suck my own eggs and make some more ukulele.

  21. Hi Del Rey,
    Greetings from England.
    I’m still trying to get the “Little Dog Blues” under my fingers. The part 2 clarification helped a lot. A question, for the first measure is this correct,

    E— —-O————O———————————————-
    A—————O————O—O——— O- ——O——-O

    I hope this makes sense.
    Best regards
    Stay Safe

  22. Hi, Apologies. My original post had all the “notes” aligned when it posted the scrambled,

  23. Hi Dave It doesn’t seem quite right (but I’m not a visual learner so tab always seems screwy to me). The lift note is on “&” as in “1&2&3&4&” the last melody note is on “&” and the last time note is by itself. General rule of this style: thumb is 1234 and pinches happen only when the melody falls on 1234. I hope that’s helpful. if you want to schedule a Zoom lesson let me know!

  24. Hi Del Rey,
    I saw you in concert at the VIII Cerdanyola Blues Festival, in May 1995, sharing the stage with Bob Brozman. A really memorable night.

    I just wanted to say hello – I still keep my autographed copy of the “Boogie Mysterioso” CD.

    Take care and very best wishes.

  25. Hi Del. I got your Memphis Minnie lesson via Homespun about 2 months ago. It is the best purchase I have ever made in my 50ish years trying to learn guitar. The whole thing is just so engaging, I dip in here, dip in there, and can’t help coming back for more. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you. Brian

  26. Very glad you have good memories of that occasion. If you ever play again near here, I will be in the first row !

  27. Hi Del Rey
    I have your Homespun DVDs and I really enjoy them.
    But I have a question about a song on a radio show I used to hear back in the 70s.

    The show was called folk scene. And it was hosted by Howard and Roz Larman.
    I used to hear it on radio station KPFK in Los Angeles.

    At the end of each show they played the same song. It was a guitar instrumental. I don’t know the name of the artist. I think maybe the title had the word country In it. Something like picnic in the country are going to the country I’m not sure.

    I know it’s a longshot but a longshot all I’ve got. Does any of this ring a bell with you?
    I hope maybe you could help me identify that song.

    I hope this note finds you well
    Sincerely David

  28. Hi David I don’t remember, but I got a couple hits by googlizing archive+howard+and+roz+larman
    That turns up archived shows from Pacifica as well as The latter is a great place to start a lot of older media searches.Cheers, Del

  29. Dey Rey this is Chontel, with STRUM
    Today is 8/26/22 can you please call me?
    Thank you

  30. Del,
    Thank you for the performance and class on whidbey island last weekend. We were talking about fingering positions and move up the neck. I mentioned a song that was kicking my ass and couldn’t remember the Key or Notes……memory and aging are a challenge these days. The song is Handels Hornpipe from water music and the key is F. (a James hill version). I took your advice to move the jump from C – F on the 4th string to playing both notes on the 8th fret string 3 & 4. It is blowing my mind.
    Thanks again,

  31. Hello Del,
    I’m sorry that I couldn’t find another way to get in touch with you.
    I’m profoundly saddened to have just heard about Steve and send my deepest heartfelt condolences. Meeting the both of you (during separate encounters) was both inspirational and life changing.
    I can only wish you the best at this difficult time.

    Adrian Byron Burns

  32. Hey Del Rey, I saw you at Lizzy’s Garden in West Seattle on August 13th and you were great! You did a song about a side man – I think that was the title. Anyway, since I am a side man, I have been trying unsuccessfully to find the words to that song ever since. Can you help out?

  33. Hi Del Rey, this is Mick Knight in the UK if you would give a direct email I will write to you … hope you are doing great. Are you are coming to the UK anytime? Love Mick lots to tell….

  34. Hi Del
    I was wondering what uke strings you use now that Kala pearls are outta production? I was looking at microwound magmas but im not sure if they are low g or not. You’ve been an inspiration to me for a while now. Hope to see you play one day.
    Thank you

  35. I like the magmas they put some good tension on the cone to produce a louder sound and I think they sound great in my reso Morton tenor. They made the Kala pearls so probably v similar to what you’re playing. Just bought 3 sets myself. I play low g so I had to but separately a different brand of low g. Cheers microwound is definitely the way to go for the reso

  36. Del , thinking of Steve today and the Northern Lights we watched in Waring , Texas . Tonight is suppose to be a how but who knows in Texas . Hope all is well…….jud

  37. I was thinking about Steve during that sun storm too-just the sort of thing he loved. And he would have called me and made me get out of bed to see it too!Lovely to hear from you Jud. Take care, Del

  38. Hi Del,
    I thought you and your fans might enjoy reading Murder at the Crossroads, a mystery co-written by acclaimed blues artist Doug MacLeod and myself for fellow music lovers. You can order through your neighborhood bookstore.
    Murder at the Crossroads provides an insider’s guide to the ups and downs of a struggling blues musician.
    (edited for length)

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Guitar, Ukulele and a unique world-view…